Posting a blog is just the start of the process. I always wonder what your reaction is when I post a blog. And if you’ve read this far I do mean you!
Last week I participated in Blogging University Commenting Bootcamp. WordPress, the platform (underlying software) for my blog, offers free directed tutorials where many bloggers get together to hone their skills and receive feedback from others. The group was multinational in its makeup and the topics of the blogs were eclectic, to say the least.
Each day we were given assignments to comment on the blogs of others. To be successful required both writing something interesting and informative on the blogs but also encouraging people to look at what I am writing. Saying “Nice job!” just doesn’t cut it.
I write this blog for my enjoyment and to connect with other book lovers and wanderers. It makes my day when someone tells me they read a book because of my review or really enjoyed a particular post. But there is so much more that could be gained by expanding the conversation.
What I learned is that sharing a little bit of myself as a commenter helps move the conversation along. In the face of the horrible events last week in Brussels, a post about dealing with the news by reading encouraged others to react both to the news and the role books play in viewing the world. That opened up a dialog about novels that speak to the political reality even if set in a different time. Here’s that post.
Please take the opportunity to add to the conversation when you read a post. Disagree, offer additional thoughts or suggest a topic for the future. When we talk to one another, whatever the medium, there is learning.

Hi Ellen,
I have never been to Blogging University, but I think they are valuable tips. Have you found more engagement since applying them?
Perhaps you’ll check out my blog if you need a blogging tip or two. That’s what I write about.
Janice, a took a quick look and plan to follow you. Please stop by again and page through the book reviews. I think there’s something for almost everyone!
Hi Ellen,
I’ve been trying to respond to you all day. I don’t know why I’m having trouble. The error message says, “Reply failed to send.” I copied it, so I could paste it here:
Hi Ellen,
Exciting! I will look forward to your subscribing! I will look through your book reviews. I am trying to publish a book, so they may help me. I am excited about our connection. By the way, I LOVE your name, Ellen is a bookie!
Like you, Ellen, I found the Commenting Boot Camp incredibly helpful. It helped clarify my ideas about commenting, it boosted my confidence and I also discovered new blogs and ‘met’ new bloggers. You’re right in saying posting is just part of the process, and that it’s about sharing a bit of yourself. The other thing I have discovered, however, is writing for yourself is also important; that is the feedback I received from experienced bloggers. Comments are an excellent way to connect with readers and develop the ideas in the blog but, strangely, since doing the boot camp I’ve been more relaxed and accepting if I don’t get comments. Then again, I am making more comments than I used to. Once again, it’s about sharing yourself and focusing on your writing.
On another note, I’ve just joined a Book Group so I’ll be scouring your blog for suggestions about what we can read. Please keep doing what you do!
Janet, I am so glad you responded. Having found your blog I’ve also found a writing guide though you are thousands of miles away. I met with a friend yesterday and we talked about the joy and challenges of writing concisely with a particular audience in mind. When I do the book reviews, that is my intention. The post about spring training from last weekend didn’t have those constraints. While I do want others to read the reviews, they don’t have an expiration date. I’ll try to learn from your example and worry less about readers and comments and enjoy the process. I’ve learned a lot from you already.
I hope your book group experience is a fulfilling one. Each group has its own personality and dynamic. Please give me a heads up to new titles first published down there. It can take a year or more for them to migrate to the US market and I’m always interested in seeking out a good read from a different perspective.
I’ll keep reading and writing, as will you.
I love your blog, Ellen, and I want to read Epitaph.
I’m glad your continue to enjoy your visits to my space. Do you think Epitaph will be readily available in print or is an ebook the way to go?
I am watching as you make your lifestyle choices. The co-housing is very interesting and something I researched early in my professional career. BTW, I have a friend coming to TA while her husband teaches a law class in May. They’ve done this before, living in an apartment for about a month. Maybe I’ll connect you both. I think you might find lots to talk about.
I think it’s been 2 weeks since commenting boot camp, and, while I hate to feel pressured to write a post or comment, I’m still commenting much more frequently on other blogs. It’s nice to see a conversation blossom on my own posts, and I sometimes forget that it might be just as nice for someone else to see comments on their blog.
Very glad to have found you via boot camp and look forward to your posts!
Noticed we are both keyed into rain delays. I plan to write a post about the reading I bring to the ballpark. It takes me about an hour to get there so I always have a book. I keep hoping for a meetup with other readers when there are rain delays!
Since I started Sparky Jen in late March of this year, I have been what I like to call “blog hopping.” I have read, liked and commented on a great many blogs so far, and don’t feel I’ll be stopping anytime soon. I knew when I decided to go instead of .org that I would have the opportunity to expand. There are thousands of blogs on this platform, and I’m having a ball finding them. If it wasn’t for my research, I would never have stumbled upon Bloggers Meetup or the Community Pool. It’s been a wonderful experience, and one I treasure.
I’m always amazed how putting a request out into the Universe always gets an answer. I’m certain I didn’t just land on your blog today. There’s always a reason. Happy Reading!
Thanks for wandering through my neighborhood. I’ll keep watching you!