Please have patience. Each of these posts is started with inspiration and requires lots of perspiration and key-pounding to complete. By the time spring truly arrives my hope is to expand my posts to include more book reviews and more hints on sharing what we glean from what we read. If I’m lucky I’ll also share some views from places beyond my own backyard. To get there, I need to learn more. So I am taking a class, Blogging 101, that WordPress offers to help folks like me (and you!) figure out the mechanics and art of blogging. You have just read my first assignment. While I will be working at this each day, I don’t plan on sharing most of them. But we both will discover before too long if the lessons stick!
byTag: travel
Not Closing the Book on 2014, Just Turning the Page
There’s no escaping that one year is ending and another beginning. My personal philosophy is to embrace all new years as they occur since a reboot, not a do over, is often needed. So many aspects of my life are tied to books and readers that I’ve decided look at this transition as turning the page. Continue reading Not Closing the Book on 2014, Just Turning the Page
byExploring New Orleans
The final event in my month-long birthday celebration was a trip to New Orleans. It’s been on my list for years but I had never been there before. If you were one of those telling me I’d love it, you were right! From the moment we arrived it was one discovery after another. December is rarely a top travel choice unless a beach or ski resort is involved, but for my money this is the perfect time to head to New Orleans. A city that parties day in and day out glows even brighter before Christmas and with the early darkness the amazing decorations in city that REALLY gets decked out are visible everywhere! And the weather was terrific. Warm days and cool evenings and not a drop of rain. I was happy to miss the infamous heat and humidity.
So, what was most memorable? Continue reading Exploring New Orleans