There are some books that beg for a summer day, a screen porch or a hammock. Even if your reading spot is a subway seat, Annie Barrows’ The Truth According to Us will whisk you off to the fictional town of Macedonia, West Virginia in the summer of 1938.
The Romeyn family, long the elite of Macedonia’s business and social circles, has fallen on hard times. Twelve year-old Willa is an astute observer of her family and those around her, unafraid to follow her instincts in search of understanding. Willa and her younger sister, Bird, are raised in the family manse by their Aunt Jottie, who attends to the needs of others while setting aside a life of her own. Divorced, Willa’s father, Felix, is often away as a salesman, or so they have been told. Felix is charismatic, has a way with the ladies, and, in today’s terms, is a “Teflon man.” He is at the center of a tragedy that changed the family’s fortunes and destroyed the dreams of those closest to him. Continue reading Grab a glass of iced tea, settle in and read “The Truth According to Us”