Come summer it is time to get moving and time to chill out. Whether on vacation or just eking out one more experience with the extra hours of daylight, the pace definitely changes.
My reading changes as well. Summer is a catch up time when I have fewer book group titles to read and prepare. After going to Book Expo, it is also the opportunity to search for the yet-to-be-released jewel I can share with my book loving friends. Right now I am reading Alice Hoffman’s The Marriage of Opposites. Its historical fiction set in the Caribbean and France in the 19th century and tells of the family origins of Camille Pissarro, the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painter.
We’re off on a road trip and have already picked out (thanks to the independent bookstores we’ll be stopping at en route through North Carolina. I’ll let you know where I go and what local gems I find.
Speaking of sharing, I’d like to ask for your feedback. I’m so pleased when someone tells me s/he has been reading this blog. It may come as a surprise but information on who and how many people are looking at the blog is very difficult to come by. Since you are reading this could you please let me know you are out there? And to make it more appealing to everyone, let me know what you are reading now and I’ll put a list in an upcoming post.
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