There’s no escaping that one year is ending and another beginning. My personal philosophy is to embrace all new years as they occur since a reboot, not a do over, is often needed. So many aspects of my life are tied to books and readers that I’ve decided look at this transition as turning the page.
I am very fortunate to be seeing out 2014 with a good amount of family time. Dan and I just returned from several days with my parents. As a family we are so lucky that my parents remain in pretty good health and very active for folks in their 80s. Just this Saturday Dan helped Dad with his once a month shift to pick up food at a whole route of grocers on Hilton Head to deliver to a food bank for Second Helpings in Hilton Head.Seven hours and 4300 pounds of food later, the crew was definitely ready for some down time. While the trip to see “Singing in the Rain” at the Arts Center and outings for dinner and shopping are nice, it is the time spent relaxing together or prepping meals that stay with you. We are seeing the year out with our daughters and their friends and starting off 2015 at the Winter Classic hockey game at Nationals Park.
There are two other changes afoot as 2015 opens. Dan will be working in a “regular” office on a full-time basis. Consulting, teaching and giving back to the IT world have kept him busy in his home office for the last two years. It will be an adjustment for us both. And this month I handed over the reins of the JCC Book Festival Book Selection Committee and the Book Club Brunch for reimagining in the new world of books and events. So no more anticipatory emails getting a committee on board for the year.
Having made this book-related change, I hope to make a few more. Over the last several years I have amped up the range and variety of book activities I lead. I’ve been fortunate to connect with some authors seeking book group feedback for their works. Doing several facilitations for each has honed my skills in this area and created the desire to work with more groups. All these experiences have changed the way I read and respond to material. I have come to realize how much we can learn about the world around us through literature. Modern research has given new vibrancy to historical fiction and the shrinking world brings every culture imaginable and some other-worldly ones to my nightstand or reader. Whether in discussion or through this blog, I hope to share them.
But it’s a big world and it’s important to get out there. Last year included New Orleans, Portland (OR), Philadelphia, NYC and my own backyard. This year, who knows? But I want to take it all in.
Wishing all good health and good times in 2015!

I’m headed to Hilton Head in a couple of weeks. So glad to know there is an initiative like this on the island.
The year-round residents have created diverse person-to-person assistance networks. A sampling of other community-wide projects my parents have been involved with are Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Bargain Box (huge local thrift store), science fair judging. The breadth of activity in a resident community of under 40,000 is great. Enjoy your visit!